Kids on mission


love project

may 2024

Tennesse Baptist Children's Home

"Sharing the love of Jesus with others"

The first - fifth grade children at Grace are getting ready to start their “Spring Project Of Love” for the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

     Deborah Dawson, our Project Of Love Coordinator, is asking members of Grace Baptist Church to pray for and join with the children to make this project successful. Our desire is to help them grow into caring, loving adults with a heart to fulfill the Great Commission. We are encouraging each child to ask for extra jobs around the house so they could actually earn the price of an item on our list. This serves to deepen their awareness of what foods actually cost and reinforce their joy of giving.

     We will be collecting cleaning products, canned veggies, snacks, peanut butter, spaghettios, vienna sausages, chips, and cereal. Note: no cans of tuna needed - over stocked right now.

     Please keep our Grace children in your prayers as they learn to serve others in Jesus name. 

Garry Irvin - Children’s Pastor



Thank you Grace Baptist Church for blessing  307 children with the hope of Jesus Christ this Christmas 2022! In these uncertain times, it’s now more important than ever for children around the world to know that God loves them and has not forgotten them!   Thank you for your help in sharing the love of Jesus this Christmas! 

Pastor Garry

kids on mission

  Our Mission: Serve Jesus by Serving Others

“We are all missionaries. Wherever we go, we either bring people nearer to Christ

or we repel them from Christ." - Missionary ERIC LIDDELL

We desire for the children to develop a Biblical Worldview. Simply put, there is a living God, and He has revealed himself in Scripture. Therefore as Christians, we believe that we can find absolute truth from the Bible, regardless of what is politically correct, regardless of what we feel is right or not right. We base our beliefs on what the Bible teaches. From this Worldview we teach children to be a missionary everyday, encouraging them to TELL THEIR FRIENDS that Jesus is the way for salvation and eternal life. Our witness as a Christian is so important because our Lord is returning soon. There is no time to lose in sharing the good news of the Gospel of Christ with others. Therefore, we teach real life lessons in culture and customs of the country. We introduce kids to today’s missionaries and discuss their joys, blessings, frustrations and hardships by receiving current information from our INTERNATIONAL MISSION BOARD.

Also, we incorporate stories of missionaries from the past who have been the faith builders of all who entered the mission fields after them. Using STORYTELLING with "cliffhangers", pictures and artifacts from foreign countries, games and CHALLENGES, allow us to immerse kids in the mission experience.



6:15 - 7:00 PM

Jubilee Kids Choir meets at 5:30 - 6:15 pm Worship Center Music Suite

Lottie moon

      Charlotte Digges Moon, or Lottie as she was called, was born in 1840 in Virginia to a wealthy Christian family. Despite her parents teaching her about Jesus, Lottie did not believe until she attended a church service with her friends in college. When she was 18 she asked Jesus to be her Savior and was baptized.
      Lottie started teaching in Kentucky and Georgia. However, God called her to missionary work, and she was accepted to go to China where her sister was already serving as a missionary.
      Lottie learned Chinese and taught in a mission school. Eventually she left her work in the school to travel in the countryside, telling people about Jesus.
      Lottie baked cookies and put them out for the children. She then got to know the children’s mothers and shared Jesus with them.
      Lottie dressed like the Chinese, spoke their language, and practiced their customs so that they would trust her and see her as a friend, not as a “foreign devil.” This worked. Many of the Chinese became her friends and listened when she told them about Jesus and his love for them. Churches were started and many people were baptized. During her time in China, there was a war and many people were starving. Lottie gave all of her own money to help feed and care for the Chinese people.
      Lottie recognized that a lack of money often held back missionaries from coming to serve. So she wrote many letters to the churches and mission boards back home, emphasizing how important it was to send missionaries so others could hear about Jesus.
      Soon the (WMU) or Women’s Missionary Union was born. These women worked hard to help other Christians understand the importance of missions, and they were able to raise over $3,000, a lot of money in those days, to send three women to work with Lottie in China.
      In many churches today, money is still collected every year during the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering to support missionary work all around the world.
      Lottie Moon died on Christmas Eve in 1913. Because she was willing to go and give of herself in China, many Chinese people heard about Jesus, and churches were established that are still there to this day. And because of her passion for missions, many people have given money to help spread the gospel around the world.
Four Fun Facts About Lottie Moon
1.   Lottie had seven siblings.
2.   Lottie was one of the first women in the South to receive a master’s degree.
3.   During the Civil War, Lottie helped care for the wounded.
4.   One of the Chinese men Lottie led to Jesus became a pastor and an evangelist. He led over 10,000   Chinese people to Jesus.


                The 2021 goal for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for Grace Baptist Church is $26,000.

              Pick up an offering envelope at the Grace Welcome Center.  Your gift will Transform Lives!


mission project


sharing the gospel around the world

operation christmas child

      Thank you 380 shoeboxes